I will post the Nostalgic Toys articles monthly on this blog and also on the ETSY NY Team Blog as a contributing blogger.
Toy Sailboats
When kids bought and sailed their play boats they imagined themselves to be sea captains searching for unexplored lands, fighting giant sea creatures and braving the rough seas. From 1850 to 1950, toy sailboats were made to mimic adult life. They were instructional, scientific and educational toys. As technology advanced, so did the toy boats - wood and sail were replaced by steel and steam. One thing does remain the same, the imagination of a child. With the myriads of types of boats floating on the oceans, rivers and lakes today, there are many toy boats for children to play with. Giving a toy boat to a child is a great gift that will help them to sail off on their own adventures to distant lands guided by their imagination.
The pictures featured in this post are photos and illustrations of sail-boating in New York City. On pleasant days, Kerbs Boathouse Pond, in Central Park hosts toy sailboat races on Saturdays at 10:00 a.m. If you don't own a sailboat of your own, they are available for rental at a cart provided by the boathouse.
Resources: http://www.flickriver.com/groups/1796794@N24/pool/random/ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/mother-tongue/7676651/Toy-boats-exhibition-Enjoy-the-sail-of-a-century.html http://www.centralparknyc.org/things-to-see-and-do/attractions/kerbs-boathouse.html http://www.wayfair.com/Handcrafted-Model-Ships-12-American-Floating-Sailboat-HACM2290.html - See more at: http://thenewnew.blogspot.com/#sthash.RD1meKXR.dpuf